Pallet Rack Installation Team

There is no one-and-done job when it comes time to install your pallet racks. The safety of your workers, the integrity of your inventory, and the freedom of movement for people and vehicles inside your facilities are all dependent on them. Choosing the right pallet racking installers team may make all the difference, so make sure you ask the correct questions before selecting a crew. Check out this list of essential inquiries before hiring a project team.

Do You Know Who’s Doing the Job?

Many material-handling enterprises contract out the installation of their equipment to third-party companies. It necessitates a thorough investigation of the installation contractor’s background and qualifications. It would help if you asked whether they have any information on the business that will be putting in the new system, including their name, address, and phone number. The provider may be contacted directly to find out more about their qualifications, their history, and customer satisfaction evaluations with this basic information.

No matter who you use, verify that they are insured before handing over your money.

Anyone who owns an insured company will provide proof of insurance. A certificate of insurance must be on file at all times. So that the installer’s insurance policy will cover their work, make sure you are included on the subcontractor’s insurance certificate as well. Workers’ compensation and insurance cover injuries and damage if you fail to check their insurance and an accident occurs, resulting in extra expenditures and higher rates.

Is their installation strategy in line with the norms of the industry?

The Racking Manufacturing Institute (RMI) offers detailed standards and suggestions to ensure warehouse pallet racking installers safely and securely. Ascertain whether or not the installers are adhering to the specifications set out by both the manufacturer and RMI for your specific pallet rack systems. Additionally, ensure that at least one anchor per column anchors the rack. If a racking column sustains an impact, this will prevent it from moving. All rack columns must be attached to the floor using anchor bolts to withstand force.

When interviewing potential installers, what kinds of references should you look for?

Check out other warehouses in your size and scope and get written and verified recommendations from them. When looking for a contractor, be sure they have previous experience working in a facility like yours. Find out what sort of job they accomplished, whether they were clean, arrived on time, and if the project was done promptly when they gave references. Is there anything they could have done better? Inquire about how well they communicated with you about the project’s progress.

Do They Know How to Use All of the Necessary Equipment?

Forklifts, scissor lifts, boom lifts, and other lifting equipment are only some of the tools needed for pallet racking installation. Inquire about the certifications and re-certifications of the equipment operators working on your project.

How to Verify the Installer’s Safety Record?

Worker’s compensation insurance policies are sold with an experience mod rating. Inexperienced firms are given a 1.00. If no workman’s compensation claims are filed, the EMR number may go down from year to year. The EMR number might climb if workers’ compensation claims are filed. Example: 0.95 EMR is less risky than the average, whereas 1.10 EMR is riskier than the average.

During the Installation, Is the Business OPEN?

The installation should complete their task without disrupting your facility’s daily operations (if that is your desire). For the most part, your installers will be able to sequester certain portions of your warehouse during installation so that the remainder of your warehouse may remain open. If you’re going to do anything, you need to know precisely what you’re going to do.

Is there an OSHA-10 certification on their resume?

A minimum of 10 hours of OSHA training is required for OSHA-10 certification, indicating actual performance, competence, and professionalism. When you meet with an OSHA 10 qualified worker, they should bring their OSHA 10 certification card with them to the meeting. No one wants their workers or contractors to be hurt while installing. Violations of OSHA regulations may lead to project delays and work interruptions. Topics covered in the 10-hour OSHA training course include:

  • Accident reporting and reporting standards, ladder safety
  • Tie-off procedures and personal protection equipment
  • Basic safe building practices

Is There Going To Be A Project Manager There?

A supplier’s on-site project manager should oversee the installation, which is a complicated process. Clients benefit from having a project manager on their side to help with field changes, consultation, attention to detail, and any circumstances that may increase costs. Safety of the job site and the safety of the products and personnel are also important considerations for installation supervisors. As a consequence of this, distributors often hand project management over to an untrustworthy third party.

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