the most ratchet asian girl

If you’ve ever wondered who is the ratchiest Asian girl on the show, then you’re not alone. Myha Thi Luong, Lovely Mimi, and Jun are just a few of the most racquet Asian girls on TV. But which one has the most quotable lines? Here are five candidates you can’t miss. They all have unique and compelling character traits.

Myha Thi Luong

Love & Hip Hop Atlanta alum Myha Thi Luong, better known as Lovely Mimi, was born in Vietnam in 1990. She has gained worldwide fame and is set to make $2 million by 2021. Her fan base is so large that Nick Cannon dubbed her a “ratchet Asian girl.”

Lovely Mimi

Beautiful and talented, Lovely Mimi is the self-described “most ratchet Asian girl” on the internet. However, she is far from a household name. Her controversial past has earned her millions of social media followers. Let’s look at her background and rise to fame. In 1990, she was raised in a refugee camp in the Philippines. Her parents emigrated to the United States in 1993. Growing up in an impoverished environment, Lovely Mimi was constantly teased for her appearance. As a teenager, she rebelled against her parents, drinking and smoking cigarettes. At 16, she spent more time in juvenile detention centers than she did in school. As a result, she dropped out of high school.


The ratchet Asian girl is often portrayed as a flamboyant, obnoxious and loud character. Despite being a successful model and YouTuber, Jun Chunji has a reputation for getting into drama. She has a long list of enemies including Kandi Burruss and Phaedra Parks, and often has arguments with Matt Jordan and Peter Thomas. Typically, a ratchet Asian girl is a very loud, obnoxious, and sometimes naked, character.

Krystal from f(x

Known as “Krystal,” she is a Korean-American singer, actress, and member of the girl group f(x). She was born in San Francisco, California and is the sister of Girls’ Generation singer Jessica Jung. She attended the Korea Kent Foreign School and Sungkyunkwan University. Her fans are particularly fond of her two-shot with Sulli, who passed away in October. Although she is currently a member of f(x), her career is still relatively young.

Jun’s obnoxious behavior

While some of her eccentric behaviors are adorable, others are downright offensive. Jun’s obnoxious laugh is a classic example of her insensitivity. She is also not terribly respectful of others, making everything a competition. The following is a look at some of Jun’s most outrageous behavior. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this look at Jun’s odd behavior! Read on to learn more!

Myha Thi Luong’s nail salon

The owner of Myha Thi Luong’s nail salon has become a national sensation. The former juvenile delinquent spent her early life in a juvenile facility before earning a degree in nail art and landing a job at Capitol Ridge’s top nail salon. She went on to earn a name for herself as the nation’s most ratchet Asian girl by opening her own salon and taking to social media. Today, she owns five nail salons in the Atlanta area and has gained a cult following on both MTV and social media.

Love and Hip Hop Atlanta star Myha Thi Luong

Myha Thi Luong, better known by her Instagram handle as Lovely Mimi, is a Vietnamese-American reality TV and Instagram star. Born on 27 April 1990, she is a Leo sign with dual Vietnamese and American nationality. She has been a popular social media personality for years and recently appeared on the hit reality show Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. In the show, she plays a role as a nail tech and hosts parties around the world.

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