Medical 3D Printing

The role of medical 3D printing in the healthcare sector is for developing new surgical cutting and prosthetics (a branch of surgery concerned with the making and fitting of artificial body parts) for the design of patient-specific replicas of bones, organs, and blood vessels. 

3D printing in healthcare has led to lighter and stronger medical products, reduced time, and lower costs. It improves the understanding of patients by medical professionals and improves patient comfort levels by allowing interaction with products designed especially for their analysis.

Patterns Affecting the 3D Printing Industry

  • Use of 3D Printing in Medicine

    • On-demand creation of 3D-printing medical products depends on a patient’s data. Medical devices printed at the point of care include patient-matched functional models and surgical tools that help surgeons to operate during an operation.
    • Regenerative medicine: It is the process of replacing human cells, tissues, or organs to restore or establish new cells.
      It includes various segments or a join of biomaterials and cells to make organs for transfer instead of depending on the current donor model.
    • Various issues are addressed (like the heart or liver) in 3D bioprinting and relocated into a patient’s basic organ. For example, the process of relocating bladder in patients has been around since the mid-2000s.

  • Streamlined and More Efficient R&D Processes

    • 3D printing has shifted from collection to streamlining, with pharma examining combinations that could reform R&D: “During the drug development pipeline, small batches of medicines are required for pre-clinical and clinical studies. Adaptable 3D printing can speed up the process by improving the dose and design according to the research requirements” says Goyanes.

  • Rise of Chronic Diseases

    • Chronic diseases are rising around the world. A developing population and changes in the social lead are adding to a steady extension in these normal and long-term medical conditions.

As indicated by the World Health Organization, chronic disease is expected to rise by 70% in 2030. Developing business sectors will be the hardest hit, as population development is expected to be most critical in emerging countries. Expanded request on medical services frameworks because of ongoing illness has turned into a central issue.

How Does Healthcare Using 3D Printing Globally?

3D printing in healthcare is a developing subsector. Some used cases have reached global application, but some are still in the research phase.

Every person’s body is different. 3D printing grows in healthcare applications by allowing customized solutions. Either it is a cast printed from a 3D scan of a child’s forearm, added tissue to repair an injury, or whole new organs manufactured with embedded vascular structure. Testers are creating new applications for 3D printing in healthcare at a lightning pace.

3D Printing or calculation manufacturing is the process of taking a computer-intended 3D model and manufacturing it into a three-dimensional model by combining materials. There are many types of 3D printing, which use a variety of base materials: plastics, metals, and even human cells.

Medical Use Cases for 3D Printing

  • Patient-Specific Surgical Models

The use of 3D printed models is becoming more important in the practice of precision medicine today. As cases become more unclear and functioning room efficiency becomes more important for routine cases.

Healthcare professionals, hospitals, and research organizations across the globe are using 3D printed anatomical models as suggestion tools for preoperative planning, visualization, and sizing. The cases of pre-fitting medical equipment for both routine and highly nameless events are also documented in hundreds of publications.

Medical Use Cases for 3D Printing

  • 3-D Printed Organs, Tissue Engineering, and Bioprinting

Currently, the sufficient means of treating patients with organ failures use either autografts (a graft of tissue from one part of the body to another) or organ transplants from another individual. Researchers are hoping to make tissues, blood vessels, and organs in response to demand using bioprinting and tissue engineering

3D bioprinting refers to the use of supplement manufacturing processes to heritage materials known as bio-ink, to make tissue in the structures that can be used in medical fields. Tissue engineering has introduced various evolving technologies, to grow replacement tissues and organs in the laboratory for use in treating injury and disease. 

Among these applications, the tissue designing field utilizing 3D printing has drawn the consideration of numerous scientists. 3D bioprinting enjoys a benefit in assembling a framework for tissue designing applications due to fast manufacture, high accuracy, etc.

  • Custom-made Prosthetics Using 3D Printing

    A prosthetic implant is a device that replaces a missing body part, which may be lost through trauma, disease, or a condition present at birth (congenital disorder).

3D printing also allows the patient to design a prosthetic that matches directly to their needs. For example, Body Labs has implemented a structure that allows patients to model their prosthetics on their limbs through scanning, to create a more natural fit and appearance. Moreover, researchers at the Institute have sought to design more comfortable prosthetic structures.

3D Printing in Healthcare: 2022

3D printing is creating a big opportunity for the medical industry. According to a financial credit by push research unconditional, SmarTech Analysis, the bolster for medical 3D printing is currently estimated to be worth $2.24 Billion. By 2027, the push value is set collectively to $6.08 billion. 

Key Applications of 3D Printing

  • One of the types of 3D printing that is utilized in the medical field is bioprinting. Instead of printing utilizing plastic or metal, bioprinters utilize a PC-directed pipette to layer living cells, referred to as bio-ink, on top of each other to make artificial tissue in a research center.

These tissue builds or organoids can be utilized for clinical examination as they imitate organs for a small scope. They are also being evaluated as less expensive options in human organ transfers.

  • Enhanced surgical tools place where 3D printing is making an impact in personalized surgery. Surgeons can reduce the time spent in the operation room. Surgical instruments, as soon as forceps, hemostats, scalpel handles, and clamps can be produced using 3D printers. Creating personalized surgical instruments helps in surgery.

3D printing has become a useful and possible performative tool in several fields, including medicine. With the lead of patient-specific designs, high complexity, favorable productivity, and cost-effective manufacturing methods, 3D printing has been becoming a widely trusted manufacturing technology in medical applications.

The primary utilization of 3D in medicine involves tissue engineering models, anatomical models, pharma designs and validation models, medical apparatus, and instruments. Orthopedics is one of the most up-to-date fields that merge 3D printing to produce end-use products such as restorations, spine models, and surgical navigation boards.

Currently, there are numerous multiple 3D printed medical products on the market, including, knee implants, spinal cages, and surgical instruments.

Role of Healthcare Software Testing

Healthcare software testing ensures that the software and medical device are compatible and satisfy regulations and various functionalities. It makes sure that the devices are compliant with all security and quality-related aspects in which, quality assurances play a crucial role. 

  • It will help in improving the medical effectiveness of 3D printing device
  • Software testing ensures the effectiveness and quality of the medical device to deliver optimal patient care
  • It will ensure that the software compliant with various regulations such as PCI DSS, FDA, and HIPAA.


In the 3D-printing workflow, several error steps are bound to take place. These errors partly arise due to human factors such as miscommunication. For the other part, the prompt errors are inherent to the workflow step. While QA testing the process of workflow of the medical printing, the human errors can be minimized or completely taken away, whereas the built-in errors can only be minimized and monitored. Not only for 3D printing, but QA is also essential for overall medical software testing needs. To know why you should implement medical software testing, contact QASource now.

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