Home decor is important as it has a tendency to influence everything from your productivity to your mood and even to your confidence. Your home decor reflects your personality and who you are as a person. Things like homeware can speak a thousand words about the atmosphere in which you live can transform a plain bedroom  and make it look fun and aesthetic. Many people do not realize that the way you decorate your home is much more than just looking pretty. It offers the ability for you to create a space that you love, and the way you feel about it decides whether you want to stay in and enjoy it.

Looking at the same walls and furniture can get boring after a while, and there are so many ways to amp up your surroundings without having to shift.

There’s nothing like spending hours in your living room and then suddenly noticing that the old carpet looks somewhat chewed up at the edges or giving that clustered corner a serious side-eye. Homes are a work in progress, and the bedroom your children loved when they were six won’t get them through their teen years. There’s never a better time to recreate and rearrange your furniture or replace them for a fresh look, and sometimes, the smallest changes can bring about the biggest differences.

Here are some fun ways to spruce up your Home or living space:


What are the colours that scream to you? The colour of the wall is the first thing that a person notices when they walk into a room. If you are confused about what colours you should use, looking into your wardrobe can give you a few ideas by choosing the predominant ones in your clothing. You can also get ideas from social media or the internet and search for different room decor ideas to help you make your choice.

When it comes to picking the right paint, keep in mind that simple cool colours create a calm space, warm tones will give you a cozy feel, and bold colours and patterns give you that energetic vibe.


The accessories and fabrics that you add to your home help to pull everything together. Picking good pillowcase sets and duvet covers , rugs and other homeware with different patterns and designs of your choice can tie the whole look together. Fresh fabrics have the power to take a low-key look up a few notches. Adding cute tablecloths with matching aprons and rugs will give your kitchen an effortlessly chic look.


The lighting in your home can make a huge difference in interpretation and plays a big role in your home’s decor. Even a new lamp can make you feel like you’re in a new place. You can consider redirecting your existing lights to highlight certain features of the room or even installing strip lighting above the counters.


There is nothing that can warm up your family room like a lovely warm fireplace.  If you do not live in a place with cold weather, you can add a faux fireplace, which will work just as well, adding romance and ambience to unexpected places.


Repositioning your furniture can create a lot of space and give the whole room a different look. Every room presents the opportunity to choose furniture to reflect your personality and complement the room. Installing display shelves can solve decorating and storage issues at the same time. If you are one to collect family photos, shells and ornaments, don’t hide them away but give them each a place to shine.

Rethink your windows

The majority of people spend a lot of time sitting near windows and staring outside. Try repositioning a cozy side chair or adding an upholstered bench under the window. Make sure that your windows aren’t being locked by any objects and furniture to let the light in, and consider curtain ties or any extra fabric to elevate the look.

82% of millennials stated that decorating their home was important compared to 68% of baby boomers in 2018. You needn’t spend a huge sum on making your house look nicer. It’s all about how you make the most of what little you have.

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